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Wednesday, March 1, 2017



This week so far has been really exciting as I am seeing it all come together. I am almost finished with the wind tunnel and it doesn't look that bad for my first time. I just need to finish the last section, the diffuser, then I am done. I already cut out the parts of cardboard for that section its just that I have to tape them all together. After that I need to install a gas section on top of the wind tunnel so that we can see the wind's effects on whatever we are testing.

Besides building the wind tunnel, I also take part in many activities at the center. I am learning more about the aerospace industry everyday as I am talking to people who work at Raytheon or Boeing which are some big aerospace companies. I have learned a lot about aerospace engineering by talking to many engineers who work at those companies as they tell me what they do on a day to day basis and how the job actually is. They tell me a lot about being an aerospace engineer like the problems they face and how they handle it. I am just happy that I am gaining a lot of experience here on my field of interest which is going to benefit me in the future. Everyone at the center has been really helpful as they check on me everyday and see my progress.
They are all so experienced at what they do so each conversation I have with them is like its own seminar on the aerospace industry. Its also cool to see that the center has many connections with NASA which is where I want to work eventually. I might even get to talk to some people at NASA in the near future which excites me the most as I have so many questions for the aerospace engineers who work there. These connections that I am making with various aerospace industry specialists has really been informative and helpful.

Schools from all over the Phoenix area take field trips here daily and sometimes I get to help the staff coordinate the field trips. The kids participate in these space missions and hypothetical scenarios in space. They also get to take part in various space simulations like the "Voyage to Mars" where the time frame of this mission is sometime in the not-too-distant future, when humans have established a permanent base on Mars. Crew members will serve as the first crew on Mars and the relief crew en route to the planet. While on the Martian surface, the team will have collected and analyzed a great number of planetary samples and data. This information is vital to scientists for a better understanding of the planet Mars. Crew members also will have gained an appreciation for the "luxuries" of planet Earth such as air, water and food as compared to a barren planet such as Mars.

These types of missions are for everyone and I have a lot of fun helping the kids out with these missions and other activities. Everyday I do something different like build my wind tunnel, help with the field trips, talk to people from the aerospace industry, or even help with the normal tours around the center. Overall, I am just really happy that I found the perfect internship for me that correlates with what I want to do in the future and I know for a fact that all these experiences and connections that I am making are going to definitely benefit me in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sayish. It's really interesting how you are able to create a prototype of a wind tunnel. You mention various parts of the wind tunnel, such as the diffuser. Can you explain what the different parts of a wind tunnel do?
